Cold and Canker sores
Canker and cold sores rank amoung the most common of human affliction. While their causes are different, cold sores and canker sores have much in common. Both are painful lesions that develop on the lip or inner mouth. Stress is the top trigger for both. And with both, outbreaks occur infrequently for most, continuously for a few and last anywhere from 10 to 14 days.
The rare guy with constant cold sores might be suffering from some underlying disease related to the immune system and should see a physician. For the rest of us, occasional outbursts of either canker or cold sores aren't serious, will almost heal with time and don't require a doctor's visit.
Containing cold soresGiven time, even the most painful cold sore will disappear on its own. But a combination of preventive steps and fast responses can greatly diminish the problem. Here are the things to do.
- Remember the sunscreen : Exposing your lips to sun may trigger cold sores, so consider giving up the bronzed-god(dess) look. Always wear a broad-brimmed hat and lip protection outside.
- Consider medicinal solutions : If cold sores are a persistent problem, ask your doctor about whether the prescription drug acyclovir is appropriate for you. A daily dose of the drug will significantly reduce the number of outbreaks.
- Protect others : After an outbreak, the chances of infecting another adult with the cold sore virus are slim. But avoid passing it on to that rare adult who has yet to be exposed by foregoing kissing and oral sex during an outbreak. If you touch the sore and rub yourself, you may transfer the virus to another part of your body. Although it is rare, cold sores can form on the inside of the mouth, on the nostrils, fingers , genitals and eyelids.
- Keep it moist : Use petroleum jelly, lip balm or an over the counter antibiotic ointment as often as needed after the blister breaks. Avoid picking at the sore; it only invites the possibility of developing a secondary bacterial infection. If you notice swelling and pus or if the sore fails to heal in two weeks, see your physician.
- Protect your mouth : Any mouth trauma can trigger a canker sore, from hot pizza to a tooth or filling rubbing against the inner lining of your cheek to biting the inside of your mouth.
- Avoid the food foes : Certain chronic canker sores sufferers report recurrences after eating sweet, spicy or acidic foods. Keep track of what triggered the canker sore and eliminate it from your diet. If the food is gone but the canker returns, look for other causes.
- Avoid the pain : Once a canker sore appears, sour, salty or acidic foods will burn or otherwise exacerbate the sore.
- Take appropriate medicines : Taking a mixture of Kaopectate and Benadryl Elixir can help to numb the mouth once the sore appears. Also taking antacid tablets could neutralize mouth enzymes that aggravate the sores. Also try anesthetic lozenges and mouthwashes to deaden the nerves.
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