Back Pain - Its prevention and cure
Back Pain is one of the most common ailments of mankind. Experts estimate that more than 80 % of people will experience back pain at some point in their lives.
The vast majority of back problems is caused by sprains in the muscles or tendons. You don't have to lift heavy weights to hurt your back. Just dragging out the garbage can do it, or bending over to pick up a paper clip. Even sleeping wrong can send your muscles into painful spasms.
Doctors are of the opinion that if everyone were to do the right things for their backs, the incidence of back pain would decrease significantly.
Here are a few suggestions to help you keep your back on track.Backpain Prevention
- Go for the back stretch : It is crucial to be limber. A flexible back will go a long way toward protecting your back from injury. Some of the exercises you may choose to take up are yoga, aerobic exercises, swimming and jogging - infact any exercise which give a workout to your back will do.
- Get Strong : If you are interested in preventing backache, then exercise is a must. Infact the correct exercise will strengthen the crucial support muscles of your back.
- Hold tight and light : The biggest cause of back injury is lifting too much and lifting improperly. For example, stretching out your arms when you lift weights will throw you off balance and put unnecessary weight on your back muscles. Instead, be sure to hold things close to your body when picking them up. Bend your knees, keep your back straight and let your leg muscles do most of the lifting.
- Improve your sleeping posture : Even when you are resting, your back may not be. Sleeping on your belly, for example, forces you to twist your head to one side, placing both your neck and back under tremendous tension. Instead, doctors recommend sleeping on your side. You could also try sleeping with a pillow tucked between your knees which will help keep the legs parallel to the hips, helping to relieve the strain on the lower back and hips.
- Move your bottom : Most of us spend an inordinate amount of time sitting, which puts even more stress on your spine than standing does. It is advisable to take a break from your desk every hour or so and use that time to walk around whiich will relieve the stress.
- Find the proper chair : It is important that you sit in a chair which lets your feet rest flat on the floor and your back is flush against the back of the chair. If it doesn't then your lower back is not getting the support it needs.
- Get shoes with sole : Every step you take sends shock waves straight up your back. To cushion the blow, try wearing a light shoe with a thick sole instead of a hard-soled loafer or workboot.
If you already have back pain, then you ought to be talking to your doctor, especially if the pain seems to travel into your buttocks and down the back of your legs. This is often a symptom of a ruptured disk. In some cases, this kind of back pain can be corrected only by surgery.
For the most part though, back injuries can be effectively treated at home. Here is what you need to do.- Take it easy : Once you have hurt your back, the best thing you can do is to get in bed and lie on your back with a pillow up under your knees. Or lie on your back on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees and your calves resting on the seat of a chair. This position relaxes the key back muscles and puts the least strain on your spine.
- Get your back up : While some rest is good, more isn't necessarily better. After a few days, muscles will start to weaken with bed rest. The quicker you can get back to your normal activities, the quicker your back is going to heal. But there is no hard and fast rules. If your back hurts too much, you're doing too much.
- Reach for a painkiller : Virtually any over the counter analgestic can help ease back pain. Best are the anti-inflammatories, like aspirin or ibuprofen.
- Run hot and cold : Using ice and heat can provide excellent relief for bum backs, but they can't be used interchangeably.
In the first few days after an injury, experts say, ice is the way to go. Ice decreases swelling and inflammation and increases blood flow to the injured area. Keep a towel or some sort of cloth between the ice and your skin to prevent frostbite. Apply the ice as often as you can for atleast 30 minutes each time.
After a few days, you may apply a mix of ice and heat - 30 minutes of ice followed by 30 minutes of heat. - Get back in training : Once you are standing tall, be sure to keep your back limber and strong with regular exercise and stretching.
- Shed some pounds : While excess weight doesn't usually cause back problems, it can make them worse. Once you have back pain, every pound you carry hurts. For instance, you could enrol yourself for a weight reducing program as well as adopt a fitness routine.
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