Know your Vitamins and Minerals
It used to be considered normal for a man's body to go downhill with age. Today, researchers have traced much of this damage to free radicals, highly reactive molecules that your body produces during normal metabolic processes.
Short on electrons, free radicals scavenge them from your body's tissues, leaving damaged cells behind. As you age, this damage shows up in the form of clogged arteries, cataracts and other acts of terrorism going on inside your body.
Enter the antioxidants - substances produced by the body or found in your diet that wipe out free radicals before they can do their dirty work. They include the nutrients vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. It is very important that we take in enough of antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. If we don't get enough, the result is oxydative damage.
Vitamin C : This important antioxidant can help prevent a slew of health problems, from minor infections to heart attacks. It is said to decrease the severity of colds. The daily value of vitamin C - 60 milligrams, the "full day's supply" found in a glass of orange juice - is certainly enough to prevent a deficiency but probably not enough to reap the preventive benefits. Many people take supplements that contain 500 to 1000 milligrams a day routinely which is perfectly safe. Vitamin C is also abundant in citrus fruits and some vegetables, including peppers, tomatoes, broccoli and cauliflower. Eat them raw or lightly cooked, though, since vitamin C is destroyed during cooking.
Vitamin E: This vitamin prevents the oxidation of low density lipoprotein, the "bad" cholestrol - a process that seems to lead to arterial plaque blocking up your arteries, making you a candidate for a heart attack. Unfortunately, vitamin E is found mostly in vegetable oils, which the heart - conscious man would do well to limit. There is a general feeling that, the levels of vitamin E that seems to be protective are very hard to get through diet alone. Doctors advice that it is good to take a daily supplement of about 100 international units.
Beta-carotene : A form of vitamin A, beta-carotene is another powerful antioxidant with preventive benefits. Studies show that people with a high intake of beta-carotene - between 5 to 6 milligrams a day - have a lower incidence of heart disease and cancer, especially colon cancer. It is easy to get that much if you eat the 5 to 6 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Go for orange fruits, such as cantaloupes, mangoes, peaches and apricots, and vegetables, such as carrots, squash and sweet potatoes.
Antioxidants aren't the only nutrients that keep people healthy. Here are some others that are found to have important benefits for your health.
Vitamin B6 : May help prevent kidney stones. Some of the good sources of vitamin B6 are soybeans, tuna,beef, pork and chicken. If you are prone to stones, it is advisable to ask the doctor to prescribe a supplement.
Potassium : Potassium's claim to fame is its effect on blood pressure. Studies show that some people can control high blood pressure with less medication once their potassium intake is increased. Experts recommend a minimum of 2000 milligrams a day - an amount that is easy to get if you eat enough fruits and vegetables. Good sources of potassium include spinach, bananas, tomatoes and milk.
Magnesium : This mineral is essential for a healthy metabolism. Researchers claim that getting enough magnesium may reduce asthma symptoms, help people with chronic fatigue syndrome, control blood pressure and even protect you against heart disease. Adults need about 350 milligrams a day. Good sources include spinach, seafood, oatmeal, beans, potatoes and brown rice.
Zinc : Zinc plays an important role in insulin shortage in the pancreas, and low levels of it have been linked to a depressed sex drive. Zinc is plentyful in beef, oysters and wheat germ.
Calcium : Best known to prevent osteoporosis, the "brittle bone" disease. The right time to build bone is when you are young. So it is advisable to get atleast 800 milligrams of calcium supplement a day. Loading up on low fat dairy products - about 3 servings a day - is the best way.
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