Saturday, May 07, 2005

Constipation - How to be a regular guy

A recent study has found out that more than 90% of the people have been affected by constipation at one time or the other in their lives and of these around 7% suffer from chronic constipation. Constipation strikes both commoners and kings alike. Did you know that Elvis Presley suffered from chronic constipation? Doctors believe that almost 80% of these people would see their discomfort decrease with a simple diet, rich in fibers and a daily exercise plan.
How to loosen up if you are constipated
For the vast majority of people, the intestinal traffic jams will be a thing of the past if they follow these preventive steps.
  • Add fiber to your diet : Start introducing fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans , cereals and whole grains which are high in fiber into your daily diet. In the early 1970's a study dome in Africa among people who ate a high fiber diet found they had more bowel movements and less constipation than low-fiber eaters in Europe and America. Although it was clear that lack of fiber didn't cause constipation, extra fiber seems to help. The reason being, the body can't digest most fiber. As it passes through your gut, it soaks water up like a sponge, making stools softer and larger. The large intestine then works harder to get rid of the waste faster.
  • Drink Up : Drink plenty of water - and don't substitute it with coke or pepsi. 6 or 8 ounces of water a day are ideal. One thing you should know about fiber: It absorbs many times its weight in water. So to keep the added fiber from clogging you up, drink water.
  • Exercise : Regular exercise exercises the abdomen which helps you to do away with constipation. Some exercises like yoga are said to have specific postures which exercises the abdomen.
  • Avoid the fat : A study has found that people who eat dry beans, peas, fruits and vegetables report less constipation. The common denominator was lack of fat. Low fat diets help avoid constipation and colon cancer as well.
  • Just go to the loo : The single worst thing that a man can do to make himself constipated is not to go to the bathroom when his body tells him to. A person might not want to use a public toilet, or maybe he's just in a hurry and ignores the urge. The problem is that, when we put off sitting on the toilet, the gut reabsorbs water from the stool that wants out, and what was soft and easily expelled becomes hard and pebble like, making it difficult to expel. So make it a habit to visit the loo every day , preferably the first thing in the morning.
  • For Instant relief : If you are severely constipated or it has been more than two days since you have gone to the loo, then you may take laxatives. Doctors say that occasional use of laxatives is safe. But laxatives are no substitute for a sensible and healthy diet. An enema or suppository is the quickest route to relief, but once again, doctors warn that they should be used sparingly.
Other causes of clogging
There are other factors that affect minor bouts of constipation. Some of them are as follows:
  • Travel : A lot of people get constipated when they travel.
  • Drugs and medications : Any kind of medication, from pain killers to high blood pressure medicine , can cause fits and spells of constipation.
  • Stress: Years ago, research confirmed that stress can alter the functions of your gut. So take action to be less stressful in your day to day lives.